Photo Album Screensaver Maker - Version 1.01 Create custom professional Photo Album Screensavers. Included are numerous pre-created photo album screensavers. Not only can you add photos, but you can also add Movies, Audio, Animations, Scrolling Text Messages, and Special Effects. Chose from 832 Transitions. Add a professional mist/fog effect to your photos. The program can also produce an EXE install file of your screensaver. Supports most media formats: mpeg, mpg, avi, m1v, mp2, mpa, mpe, asf, wm, wma, wmd, wmv, mp3, wav, au, aif, aifc, aiff, midi, mid, rmi, snd, asx, wax, m3u, wpl, wvx, wmx, mov, and qt.