Print It - Version 1.04 Print It allows you to print, copy, or save customdirectory listings of multiple folders from any drive.Include and exclude filters can be applied to both thefiles and folders to produce a custom listing. Subfolders can be filtered before adding them to the list,or you can simply remove any unwanted folders from thelist before hand. Printing a directory listing doesn'thave to be hard. With Print It you see the list offolders and can even view the files within so you arenever forced to print any thing. Say good bye to wastedpaper, because the output wasn't quite what youexpected. You can even see and change the fileformatting from the interface which includes a nice setof options to suit everyone. When you need to print afull directory listing, 2 folders from differentdrives, or perhaps several different sub folders thenPrint It can help you do just that. Download Print Itnow and start using it today!