AddUp - Version 2 Powerful multi-purpose calculator densely packed withfunctionality. FINANCIAL: future value, present value,interest, payment, duration. SCIENTIFIC: logarithms,powers, exponentials, factorials, roots, NIST/CODATAscientific constants. CONVERSIONS: over fortycategories of units from the common (length, volume,mass) to the technically advanced (electric charge,entropy, viscosity). Meter to foot, ounce to gram,liter to pint, day to minute, C to F... DATE AND TIME:add or subtract periods to a date/time, find thedifference between two dates/times. NUMERIC BASES:binary, octal, hexadecimal, all bases from 2 to 36,simple notation. BIT-LEVEL/BINARY: binary AND, OR, NOT,XOR, SHIFT and more. COMPLEX NUMBERS: nativelysupported plus functions (argument, norm, polar,imaginary, more). PRIME NUMBERS: verify primeness,identify next or previous prime. RANDOM NUMBERS: realor complex, linear or Gaussian. RATIONAL and FRACTIONALnumbers: input and output using ratios. GENERALMATHEMATICS: modulo, remainder, percent, factorial,rounding, ceiling, floor... STATISTICS: groupattributes (maximum, greatest common denominator, leastcommon multiple, more) and distribution (variance,standard deviation, median, more). HYPERBOLIC andTRIGONOMETRY: sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant,cosecant, inverse functions. QUICK ACCESS: on/off mode,selectable hotkey and shortcuts on task bar, desktop orstart menu. PREFERENCES: selectable keypads, adjustablebutton size, selectable font, top-level mode, Num-Lock,snap to screen position, switchable decimal mark.NUMERIC FORMATS: scientific (1.23e-45), currency(12,345.00), fractional (1 2/3) and more, each formatis customizable. EDITABLE WORK AREA: better than aregular tape calculator. Enter full expressions, changethe numbers, repeat any calculation. Annotate your worklike a regular text editor. Save to file for later useas text (.txt) or rich-edit (.rtf) document. Restoresaved work. DETAILED HELP FILE to explain all features.