SoundWheel - Version 1.2 Modern sound systems for PCs usually offer you a way to control the sound level. $500+ systemsthat shine on shelves in computer shops are sometimes equipped with a remote control. Lessexpensive systems may have a wheel which is completely useless if located on a speaker orsubwoofer you cannot easily reach.Don't you think it would be perfect to have this wheel always handy? If so, this application isfor you. Sound Wheel is a sound control that you always carry in your hand when working with yourcomputer. Where is it? Look at your mouse. It has a nice rubber wheel on it. Why not use it as asound level control? Yes, it is possible, and without affecting its main functionality.This is how it works: Sound Wheel replaces the standard sound volume icon in your Windows tray.When you press a hot key (Ctrl+Shift by default), it turns your mouse wheel into a volume control.