MtxVec for Delphi - Version 4.1 MtxVec is an object oriented numerical library forDelphi and C++ Builder users. Complete support forcomplex numbers for all functions in single or doubleprecision. Matrix operations: Solving a system oflinear equations with refinment and condition numbervia LU, QR or SVD decomposition, Inverse of thematrix, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Sylvesterequation, Teoplitz system solver, 2D FFT, Inverse 2DFFT, 2D real FFT, Square root of the matrix, Logarithmof the matrix... Vector operations: autocorrelation,circular convolution, cross correlation, forward andinverse discrete cosine transform, forward and inverseFFT, Geortz'el algorithm, Hilbert transform...Probability distributions PDF, CDF and Inverse CDF:binomial, geometric, hypergeometric, negative binomial,Poisson, discrete uniform, beta ,Cauchy, chi-squared,exponential, F, gamma, Maxwell, normal, Pareto,Rayleigh, Student (T), Continuous uniform, Weibull..Sparse matrix operations: Solver for banded sparsematrices, Iterative sparse solvers: SGS, CG, BC, CS,GMRES, OM with LU preconditioning. Direct sparse solverfor non-symmetric matrices. Conversions supportedbetween: Banded, Dense, Sparse and Triplets matrixformats. Performance features: CPU specificoptimizations, Critical functions optimized inassembler, symmetric multiprocessing, block processingsupport for vectors, fast object create and destroy,thin object layer, vector/matrix design. Specialfunctions: complete elliptic integrals, Jacoby ellipticfunctions, Airy function and its derivative, Airyfunction of second kind and its derivative, Besselfunctions: J, Y, I, K and H, associated Legendrepolynomials. Math parser capable of parsing equationswith real and complex numbers. Customizable operators,functions and variables. Polynomials: Finding roots,polynomial evaluation, Cubic splines, Linear and cubicinterpolation algorithms, construction and evaluationof piece-wise polynoms, polynomial division. Manyoptimization methods...