Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver - Version 1.7 Do You know that the most computer programs paintimages at screen in the same place for long. Someportions of the screen are always in the same place,sometimes for hours or even days or months. These sortsof images, continuously drawn in the same place for along time, can damage the screen because the electronrays always hit the same points on the screen.Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver was designed to help avoidthese effects by automatically changing the images onthe screen when the computer is not in use.Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver is a relaxing animatedscreensaver. It does real-time image processing byusing an popular amazing algorithm and a specialeffects to make your computer desktop look as if it isrippling. You will see water drops and waves runningacross the screen. Enjoy this lovely rain illusionscene with a Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver in the foreground.