LASsie (Light Application Security) for MS Access - Version 4.3 LASsie (Light Application Security) is a MicrosoftAccess Add-In that enhances your Access applicationwith a simplified user security system. Intended as analternative to Access� built-in security, LASsie offersa less complicated way to secure forms, reports,controls and certain records from unauthorized useraccess. With LASsie, you can prevent a user fromopening specific forms/reports, restrict their abilityto update data on a form, disable certain controls,filter certain records, all based on a user�s assignedSecurity Level. LASsie includes a friendly user sign-on form thatprompts for a login user name and password. Users canchange their own passwords via the included "changepassword" form. Optionally, the sign-on form can bebypassed and the user's network login username can beused. Once the user name is verified, his/her sessionis assigned a Security Level code that determines whichforms or reports can be accessed, if data updates areallowed, and more.LASsie is called "light" application security becauseit is not intended to be a robust, high-end securityapplication. In fact, a sophisticated user could editthe underlying tables and change their own securitylevel. By hiding the LASsie tables, and/or linking tothem in an external, encrypted database, you couldminimize the possibility of such potential breaches,but you should understand that we do not guarantee thatsuch a breach will never occur. That being said, LASsiecan serve quite well as an application security systemwhere users are relatively unsophisticated, or whereapplication data is not of a highly classified nature.