RadarCube OLAP ASP.NET Direct - Version 1.31 A fast, powerful and programmer-friendly ASP.NET OLAP library. The key features:- Royalty free.- 100% managed code.- Medium trust compliance. - Supports IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.1+, Opera 9.0+. - Requires no OLAP-servers to work. An ability to create any multidimensional cube in run time or design time, using the minimum web-server memory. - Hierarchies of three types: parent-child hierarchies (both balanced and unbalanced), multilevel hierarchies (both regular and ragged), mixed from all previous types.DHTML visualization features:- 100% AJAX. - Web parts support. - Time intelligence support. - Fixed columns/rows headers on scrolling the grid. - Saving and restoring the current OLAP slice.