VBScriptMania - Version 1.0 VBScript-Mania is a Microsoft Access database thatincludes over 2000 predefined scripts many of themfounded in the Script Repository from Microsoft sitealong with a brief description, supported platforms, acategorization scheme and much, much more.Multilanguage support: at this moment program isavailable in two languages French and English and allthe scripts from database are available in bothlanguages (including titles, descriptions, andcategories). VBScript-Mania includes a syntax colouring control.This is a special rich textbox that colour your code.Colorized code looks like in Visual Basic interface.You could run code direct from this control, importscripts from templates, and edit script with Notepad,direct save the script and many other options. In orderto save or to run a script you don�t need to copy thescript, paste it into Notepad, and then to save it as a.vbs file. Instead, you could save or run scriptsdirect from VBScript-Mania interface. Filter and find facilities: you can do a full-textsearch in all scripts templates or saved scripts or youcould filter the scripts by category and sub-category. VBScript-Mania allows you to create stand-alone .vbsfiles for all templates scripts or saved scripts fromdatabase. Select a folder and all your scripts ortemplates will be saved in a hierarchical directorystructure.Favourite�s scripts allow you to save all your scriptsin database. You could very easy find your scripts andif you delete accidentally a script you could restoreit very easy. You could organize your favourite�sscripts as you want, you could add or delete scriptsmany other options are also available. Forgot where you saved a script? Want to find allscripts from your computer? �Scripts organizer� will dothis job for you. It could scan your computer or just afolder to find all scripts. More, it will save allthose addresses in database with name and full path. Many predefined statements direct implemented.