Blaze Audio ePodcast Express - Version 1.0 Podcasting allows users to broadcast with a limitedamount of equipment from their own home without FCCrules and regulations and expensive broadcastingequipment. Producers of podcasts need a computer,microphones, editing and recording software, theability to create an RSS feed of their recording, andan ftp client to which they upload their podcast to adestination URL on the Internet. ePodcast Express willhelp you publish your podcast or existing audio file,automatically generate an RSS Feed or Subscription File(XML) and Web Page (HTML), and upload it to theinternet. ePX supports RSS 2.0 specifications as wellas iTunes proprietary tags for listing in the AppleiTunes directory. ePX will create a single subscriptionfeed and maintain and update an existing subscriptionfeed. ePX also supports the addition of ID3 tags toyour podcast or audio file. Podcasting is a growingaudio medium, similar to yet different from traditionalradio broadcasting and streaming audio content. Thereare two end users of Podcasting technology with uniquesoftware and hardware needs for each.In order to listento a podcast, listeners need a computer and the abilityto play the downloaded MP3 audio file either on theirdesktop through programs like iTunes or Windows Mediaplayer or on a portable MP3 device such as the iPod oriRiver. For those who wish to subscribe to a variety ofprograms, an audio aggregator such as Juice or iTuneswill allow a user to download and subscribe to RSSfeeds on a daily or pre-determined schedule right toyour desktop ePodcast Express makes publishing podcastsand audio files to the Internet easy even if you aren'tan audio engineer