wodCrypt - Version 2.1.1 Lightweight component that provides strong encryptionfor your applications. It provides supports for mostcommon crypto algorithms, such asAES DES, TripleDES Blowfish Cast RC2 RC4 RC5 for symmetric encryption and decryption, RSA DSA for making and verifying signatures, andMD5 SHA1 for creating hashes. Working with BlobswodCrypt works with Blobs - Binary Large Objects (itdoesn't have to be big, of course) when it comes todata manipulation. Blob is our object that can readfiles, string variables and bytes array, and providethe same as their output. Even more, it can present theinformation in BASE64 and HEX encoded data - in caseyour environment just doesn't like to work with binarydata. Optimized codeBesides working in regular way - without random paddingand internal wrapping, wodCrypt can work in Optimizedmode as well. In that case most probably no otherencryption tool will be able to access (directly) yourencrypted data - because wodCrypt will add specificinformation to it - such as size of blob. This way whendecryption is done, you will get exactly the sameplaintext as it was before encryption. In regular way,wodCrypt has to look after block sizes for eachprotocol, key sizes etc.. so any empty space needs tobe filled with zeros. It's not smart way to protect thedata - but it's necessary to make encrypted text opento other decryption tools, for you to get the resultsas expected.Licensing - royalty freewodCrypt is royalty free - once you make yourapplication, you can distribute binary versions ofwodCrypt free of charge. Licenses are purchased onlyfor design-time development, one license per eachdeveloper on the project - and that's all!Besides ActiveX version (which can be used even inFoxPro), wodCrypt has COM object as well, which can beused from many environments, such as VB, VC, Delphi,VBS, ASP etc..