wodPop3 - Version 1.4.1 ActiveX component that is used to access mailbox on theserver using POP3 protocol. Mail found on the servercan be retrieved locally(complete messages or onlyheaders) and/or can be deleted from server. Full set ofcommands for standard operations is supported.Using wodPop3 you can easily get information aboutcontent of your mailbox.For each message found onserver, wodPop3 will create new Message object inMessages collection, allowing you to easily check themessage size and UID(this information is knownimmediately at connection), and determine if you willdownload the message or not. For slow connections there is also ability to downloadonly headers.You can just let wodPop3 download all the email for you- it supports method to download all the mesasages andto download all headers - allowing you to openmeassages after you disconnect from server - no need towaste time on open connection.*Supports both blocking and non-blocking operations*Can Automatically retrieve all messages from theserver using one command*Can retrieve only headers*Provides powerful set of properties that relate tomessages - no need for external parsers*Events for all major operations*Supports UNICODE in message header*Royalty free licencing*Ease of use