KonstSolver - Version 1.086 KonstSolver is a high-performance vector and matrix library for .NET (C#, C++, and VB), thread based, 100% managed code. A parallel LU algorithm for solving dense systems of linear equations of the form Ax = b provides amazing speedup on multicore and multiprocessor computers. KonstSolver allows the following parallel matrix/vector operations: add, subtract, multiply vector and/or matrix, divide by constant, etc.Many modern PCs and servers have multicore or multiprocessor hardware available, but sequential algorithms cannot be run in parallel without using special techniques. It is necessary to divide a code into subtasks and run them on different threads.KonstSolver is an easy to use, intuitive, and predictable library that allows use of matrix/vector/constant operators +, -, *, / in the standard way. Such algorithms are parallel and optimized for .NET platforms.