MB Astrology Natal Chakra - Version 1.15 MB Free Astrology Natal Chakra is an easy and accurate way to get yourself closer to the spiritual world. It is with the help of this particular program that one can easily identify the central energetic channel that runs along our spine. MB Free Astrology Natal Chakra provides you an overview as to how the seven chakras affect your life. Chakras are the energy nodes all through the body liable for the state of our mind, body and soul. In Sanskrit, chakra means "wheel" that controls the flow of energy throughout the body. Chakras radiate energy of vibrations, because the former can be affected by the other individual's mood. The vibrations of these energy levels are immense, so it's required to control and balance all the chakras. It's very much important that all Chakras are active in a balanced manner (the ideal state). Chakras can be under-active or over active. Balancing of all the chakras is essential for well being of an individual. Using the information that the natal chart gives, Astrology can forecast the health and well-being of a person based on his date of birth. The six chakras