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  Utilities - File Management Utilities - File Cleanup Utilities

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  Shredder  -  Version  1.0

As you surf the Internet. Your web browser store lots of Mega Bytes of data on your computer. This information consumes your hard drive space, and enable any person using the computer after you to know the sites you have visited. With Shredder you can get rid of this data safely and easily. And you can determine your own folders that you want to cleanup. Since all the graphics and the web pages of the sites you visit are stored on your computer. Shredder enable you to search for and view these files. So you can retrieve the pictures you have seen on the Internet. Also you can cleanup the items in you "Recent Documents", "Run", and "Find" windows. All of this functionality in one screen to make it easier and faster to use it. Unzip the file, and use Setup.exe to install the program.

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