EconomicInvestor Stock Risk Wizard
Stock Risk Wizard provides unique statistical and
economic analysis of over 20,000 current stocks,
mutual funds, and indexes. Using patented Eta
Analysis, you can see the economic risks associated
with a given asset. Stock Risk Wizard also shows you
how much hidden economic risk is present in a
portfolio, or which stocks are more likely to be
helped (or hurt) by the current economic climate.
Stock Risk Wizard's patented system accounts for over
90% of price variation in most stocks, mutual funds,
and indices. Using a set of 18 macroeconomic and
financial variables (like the unemployment rate and
consumer price index), assets are easily compared for
historical and current data, measuring "economic
risk" -- risk to investments arising from economic
factors. Additionally, Stock Risk Wizard can identify
asset classes and individual securities that are
currently being influenced by favorable or unfavorable
economic conditions.