Multiplayer Pachisi
This game is played by 4 or 2 players, when played by
4 players, each of the players occupy one side of the
board, and the players sitting opposite to each other
are partners, when the game is played by 2 players,
then each player controls the two opposite sides of
the board. The object of the game is to move all the 4
pieces down one arm, then around the outer perimeter,
and then back up the arm back to the center square.
The team who moves all the pieces back to the center
square first wins the game. Instead of dice, 6 cowrie
shells are used, and the number of shells with their
face up indicates the number to move: 2 - 5 face up
shells = 2 - 5 steps; 6 face up shells = grace move
with 6 steps; 1 face up shells = grace move with 10
steps; 0 face up shells = grace move with 25 steps. At
first, the players shall throw to determine who moves
first, the player with the highest number thrown moves
first, and play proceeds in the counter clockwise
direction. For each player, the first piece can be
entered into the board using any move, but for other
pieces, a grace move must be made. Throwing a grace