Turn Text into Speech
Turn text into speech changer reads and speaks all
written content such as Word, Excel, Email, Plain
Text, Notepad, RTF, WordPad, HTML, Web Pages, News,
PDF, eBook, Clipboard data into vocal words in
Microsoft Sam Voice and save it to WAV format you set
the speed of converted speech as per your requirement.
You can normally listen in file in future with help of
mp3, iPod, PC audio players. Users can easily handle
this application there is no need of more knowledge of
computer. This application can read all whatever the
user fill in the main text area, wither is typed or
taken from another place (copy and paste), emails,
documents, plain text, web pages, news, reports, etc.
For storing the text to voice conversion, is in WAV
output file format. Is very useful for creating audio
books add speech in presentations help for blind
people teaching languages etc. You can make your audio
file from your notes eBooks paper notebook and any
other readable text. This speech tool can works on win
XP, Vista and Win7, both x32 bits and x64 bit
platform. Understandable original human voices just