Our software is a brilliant new Audio & Video
converter which can handle hundreds of different
formats which makes this one of THE best value
softwares on the internet today!. Wait, there is
more!! Our program also includes a brilliant Video
Splitter which is able to split any video file and
also a Video Joiner which you can use to join the
files again. Lastly we have also included a Media
Hundreds of formats supported:
PSP, Zen, iPhone, iPod, BlackBerry, Wav, iRiver, MP4,
3GPP, h.264, Nokia, Neuros, Palm, iPad, Ac3, Google
Android, CDMA, AVI, Raw DV, Sandisk, .FLV, Google
WebM, LG, MP3, NTSC DVD, Pal DVD, OGG, PS3 720p,
Quicktime, WMA, WMV, Xbox 360, Zune, PowerPoint,
PSVita + Hundreds more with our custom format option