WCD is a fast directory changer, another Norton Change
Directory (NCD) clone, for DOS, Windows and Unix. This
program jumps to a (sub)directory anywhere in the
directory-tree. The directory to jump to can be given
by only the first characters or a regular expression.
Also a part of the preceding path can be given. Eg. wcd
src*/wcd Features: - Lets the user choose in case of
multiple match - Wildcards *, ? and [SET] supported -
directory stack, push pop - Subdir definition possible.
Eg. wcd subdira/subdirb - Long directory-names support
in Win9x Dosbox and Windows NT console - Alias
directories - Ban paths - Change disk and drive in one
go (dos) - 'cd' behaviour. Eg. wcd ../../src will work.
- Free portable source-code (DOS 16/32 bit, win32,
Unix), no special libraries - Supports: DOS 16 bit, DOS
32 bit, DOS bash Windows 3.1/95/98/NT DOS-box Cygwin
bash Win32 Z shell Unix csh, ksh, bash and zsh