Convert Outlook 2010 OST to PST
Advance Exchange OST 2010 recovery tool is the best
OST converter software for Microsoft offline stroage
(.ost) files. In case of Exchange server crash or
deleting a mailbox, Offline storage table (.OST) on
the exchange desktop computer, holding emails,
calendar, contacts, journals, tasks, appointments,
distribution lists and all other items from
original .ost mail account. Outlook 2010 OST PST
recovery software converts these email files to
personal storage table (.pst) format which is easily
read with MS Outlook.
Perfect OST 2010 to PST 2010
Recovery software main features:
* Easy, safe and secure OST
2010 conversion
* Faste method to read Outlook
2010 OST file
* Quick scanning of corrupted
OST file with exact formatting of TXT, RTF and HTML.