Boss Key
Boss Key permits you to hide immediatlly active
program window using a hot key! Everybody should have
such program for personal security.
Imagine, you work with confidential information -
maybe, just writing email to your girlfriend, or
entering your credit card information, or typing
password to login somewhere, or,maybe, working with
CIA files. WARNING! Someone comes to you. What will
you do?
Close program? - are you sure you can do it really
fast? And don't forget about "Do you want to save"
Switch off your monitor? - not very fast! And
certainly your visitor will like that you trust him so
Reboot your PC? - all your work will be LOST!
Or just do nothing? - congratulations! Now you are
absolutely free man - you have no secrets!
Press F10 (or any other key you assigned) and it will
be IMMEDIATELY hidden. After your visitor went out
press it again and continue working