BatchRename 2
"BatchRename" is for you to rename files in same or
different path with all kinds of rules you defined as
many as you like.
FileList: Add any file in any path in your computer to
the FileList, use filter to select the exact files you
want, and you can also pick up the files by hand.
QuickView: This function allow you view or play the
selected file in the FileList in the "QuickView"
window. So you can view the files quickly and decide
which ones to be renamed. "QuickView" file types
Picture files: .bmp; .jpg; .gif; .tif.
files: .cda; .ivf; .aif; .aifc; .aiff; .asf; .asx; .wax
; .wm; .wma; .wmd; .wmv; .wvx; .wmp; .wmx; .avi; .wav;
.mpeg; .mpg; .m1v; .mp2; .mpa; .mpe; .mp2v; .mpv2; .mid
; .midi; .rmi; .au; .snd; .mp3; .m3u; .vob; (*Must
have windows media player installed in your computer,
it's free for download.)
Flash files: .swf. (*Must have Flash player installed
in your computer, it's free for download.)
Batch Copy/Move: Open a browse dialog, choose or input
a dir to copy/move the selected files to that dir. If
the dir you entered does not exists, it will be
RuleList: By select or typing in the combobox you can
make up a rename rule, then add it to the RuleList one
by one, finally apply them all together to rename the
batch of files. You can add as many rules as you like,
and change the sequence of them freely. The rename
rule can be prefix and suffix (include date and
digit), replace, remove, uppercase and lowercase. You
can combine them flexibly to realize the result you
Preview: After you made up the FileList and the
RuleList, you may want to preview the result to see
whether it meet your goal before you decide to rename
them. Yes, "BatchRename" provide you this function.
Undo: After you rename the files, you may want to
cancel the the changes, and restore the old filenames.
Use this Undo function, "BatchRename" can do it for
Load/Save Batch: The Filelist, RuleList and the result
list even the Undo