Midi Magician
Midi Magician is a MIDI Jukebox that plays format 0,
and format 1 standard MIDI files.The songs are played
at a volume that can be adjusted from the main screen.
The idea is to select a base line, say 65%, at which
all songs are initially played. The volume of each
song is than adjusted while the song is playing to
suit your taste. Songs that are too soft can be
adjusted to play at 70% or 75%, up to 100%. Songs that
are too loud can be adjusted down. The volumes are all
saved in the song file and will always be played at
that level. In addition to being able to adjust the
main volume, the volumes of the individual instruments
can also be adjusted to sound best on your
system.MIDI composers adjust the instrument volumes to
sound best on the system they are using. A Trumpet or
Bass may be too loud or too soft when played on
another synthesizer. Or, when small speakers are used,
the Bass parts may have to be turned up in order to
hear them properly. It is also a matter of personal
taste. Some people like loud drums, some like them
soft. The individual instrument volumes are also saved
so that each song will always play with the settings
you set.