Typograf font manager
This is in fact a very top of a font list manager for
all kinds of Opentype, TrueType and Type one fonts for
printers. You will be able to preview all fonts; you
will also have all of the font information as well as
the type face classifications and orders such as the
author, designer, website, date and copyright
information. You also will have access to the Unicode
character sets as well as to the layouts of the
keyboard, and the zoom views. In addition to this you
will be able to find and compare all of the fonts that
are similar and then print and see them in different
ways. This will also manage your fonts in a database
and then also in groups. It will give you a quick
preview as well of font files on the network. All
people in your team will have access to the same kinds
of font types which will be different based on the
kind of computer and system that everyone has. In
addition to this it will also be possible to ensure
that you will be able to have access to all of the
fonts as well as all of the information that needs to
be made available for font classes as well as other