Encrypted Briefcase Personal
Encrypted Briefcase Personal(EBP) allows you to hide
folders and encrypt files with on-the-fly AES
encryption. Just create one or more encrypted
briefcases from local folders and move your sensitive
files into the specified folder and they will be
encrypted/decrypted in real-time. You can work with
the files as usual, and when you're done, lock the
briefcase, which will store the files securely and
also hide the entire folder from view. Additional
features include a password-protect interface,
supports for FAT/FAT32/NTFS, and protection under
Windows Safe Mode. Laptops users will find this tool
to be very useful. With EBP, you will not worry about
leak of sensitive business data any longer in case of
the computer was stolen. This tool is foolproof, easy-
to-use, and self-protected.