A-OK Audio Editor
With A-OK Audio Editor you can:
1 . Open, create, play and save audio files;
2 . Extract audio from video files;
3 . Display a waveform window of an audio file and
apply zooming;
4 . Record new audio file from a microphone, sound
card or other input devices (you can record audio from
DVD / VCD / CD Player, MP3 Player, RealPlayer, Windows
Media Player, Web Page, Internet Conversation,
Internet News, Internet Radio Station and more);
5 . Visually edit an audio file (Delete, Cut, Copy,
DeleteSilence, Paste, PasteFromFile, Mix,
6 . Apply different effects (Amplify, Delay,
Equalizer, Fade, Flanger, Invert, Normalize, Reverse,
MultiTapDelay, Silence, Stretch, Vibrato, Echo,
7 . Apply different filters to the selected part of an
audio file (BandPass Filter, FFT Filter, HighPass
Filter, HighShelf Filter,LowPass Filter, LowShelf
Filter, Notch Filter);
8 . Insert noise or silence in an audio file;
9 . Convert an audio file from one format to another;
10 . Convert the sample type of audio files;
11. Insert and change information about audio markers
(Count, Country, Dialect, Label, Language, Length,
Note, Num, Position, Text);
12. Insert and change information about an audio file
(Album, Artist, Channels, Comments, Copyright, Genre,
Title, Year).
13. Use marker to locate the selected part or special
part of the audio data.
The following audio formats are supported:
1. uncompressed WAV (PCM);
2. compressed WAV (ADPCM, A-LAW, U-LAW, DSP, GSM and
3. MP3 (MPEG Layer-3), MP2(MPEG Layer-2);
4. Ogg (Ogg Vorbis);
5. WMA (Windows Media Audio)
6. CDA (Audio CD Tracks);
7. AVI (Audio Stream);
8. AIFF (Apple);
9. AU (UNIX);
10. G.721, G.723, G.726.
11. VOX (Dialogic ADPCM);
12 .RAW;
13. MPC (MusicPack)
The following video formats are supported (extract
audio from):
AVI (DivX, XviD, MS MPEG4, Uncompressed, Cinepak and
MPEG (MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Video);
WMV (Windows Media Video);
Quick Time