Comm-Logger is a very easy to use serial
communication data logger. It can log data directly
from the serial port to a standard file. Up to 32
ports may be logged concurrently.
Comm-Logger supports logging serial communication
data from one or more serial ports to one or more
files. Comm-Logger is ideal for logging serial data
from applications like PBXes, security systems, or
any application in which serial data must be recorded
to a file for archive purposes, data import, or any
other use.
Comm-Logger's graphics interface allows for easy and
intuitive use. Comm-Logger's command line interface
can be started from the scheduler, startup, or
anywhere else. It has a silent mode that does not
display copyright or anything else.
Comm-Logger includes comprehensive electronic
documentation that detail product usage in a concise
and easy to use manner.
Key Features:
*Logs data from serial port to a file.
*Logs up to 32 ports concurrently.
*View byte counts on all active files.
*Easy to configure serial port characteristics.