Database and XML Toolkit (DbTkXml)
The DbXmlTool Toolkit provides the following basic
database functions:
a) export data from a database to DBF, XML, CSV, HTML
or TXT format
b) merge and synchronize data between databases
c) import data into a database from DBF, XML, CSV and
TXT format without duplication
d) Automate repetitive database tasks (DbScript or
command line utilities)
e) Interactive Database Explorer (DbExplorer)
f) Create your own database tools with the DbTkXml
function interface
g) Publish your database tables with Db2Html
h) Analyze your database or DBF, XML, CSV, TXT files
with DbAna
i) Create a new Database from DBF, XML, CSV or TXT data
(or analysis result)
j) Execute SQL scripts extracting or manipulating data