Visual Stock Options
Visual Stock Options Analyzer (VOptions) is a powerful
analysis tool for development, testing, and
application of stock and options strategies. Its easy-
to-use interface allows you to test new strategies,
manage a growing portfolio, and explore "what-if"
scenarios with ease. VOptions versatility and power
make it suitable for new, experienced, or advanced
traders alike.
Advanced Charting Capabilities
VOptions lets you make a thorough analysis of a trade
before you call your broker. The software provides
powerful two and three-dimensional charts for
analysing option strategies. The 3D Chart can
simultaneously show the relationship between stock
price and expiration date versus profit/loss. You can
rotate the chart and zoom in on areas of interest.
A "zone view" is also provided that displays an
overhead view of the chart.
The 2D Chart is designed for dynamic analysis,