ServerBrowse is a Quake III Arena Server Browser and
game launcher with a clean, modern interface. Features
include the ability to sort available servers by any
parameter, such as ping time, map name, hostname, game
type, IP Address, port, connected clients, max
clients, punkbuster enabled, pure server enabled, max
ping, etc., the ability to launch Quake III Arena
directly into the server of your choice with a simple
double-click or press of the 'enter' key, the ability
to mark servers as favorites, adjustable color
schemes, and adjustable advanced features such as
threading parameters, timeouts, display update
intervals, game launch options, etc.
ServerBrowse is FREEWARE. It contains absolutely no
adware, spyware, virii, or trojans.
It is packaged as an MSI (Microsoft Installer) for
easy installation and un-installation.