River Past Animated GIF Converter
River Past Animated GIF Converter is the easiest way
to convert video to animated GIF.
It convert video from 3G video (3GPP/3GPP2), ASF, AVI,
DAT (VCD), DivX, DV, DVR-MS, FLC/FLI Flic animation,
IVF, Matroska MKV, QuickTime MOV, MP4 (MPEG-4), MPEG-
1, OGG Media OGM, RealMedia RM/RAM, VOB, VRO, WMV and
XVID to animated GIF.
It can convert from un-encrypted DVD, from individual
chapters or several seamless chapters as one unit.
You have the control over framerate, resolution, and
quality. Use animated GIF for video thumbnails on your
website without any plug-in's. It is universally
supported by all browsers with no compatibility
issues. You have the option to loop the animation.
In addition, it adds the animated GIF output option to
other River Past video products, including Video
Cleaner, Video Perspective and Video Slice.