Databrid - Version 1.5 Databrid is a browsing, retrieval and manipulation tooldesigned for the novice to the expert user. Databridworks on MySql and Oracle Database (versions 8 andabove although not all functionality in the Browser isavailable for the lower versions). The corefunctionality of Databrid revolves around the tabbedareas within the Databrid application. The four maintabs in the main screen of Databrid are: SQL Editor,Browser, File and Jobs.## SQL EDITOR ##The SQL Editor tab allows you to write and run SQL andPLSQL. The tab provides the ability to use one of moresql autocompletion, word and syntax highlightingeditors with automatic case adjustment for keywords. Provided with each editor is a table for displaying SQLquery results and a text output area to displayDBMS_Output output. Jobs can be run in the backgroundallowing for the execution of multiple statements atany given time.## BROWSER ##The Browser tab allows the you to browse various partsof the database schema. The browsing is done via aparticular schema user and displays information ontables, views, sequences etc. Features include thegeneration of database creation statements for tables,views etc, browsing table or view data, truncatingtables, etc.## FILE ##The File tab allows you work with a CSV (commadelimited text file) and the database without having toload the CSV into the database. This tab has two areasthat functionality: CSV Update and Database Update. CSV Update allows you to add additional columns to aCSV using a Select statement, including binding CSVcolumn values to the Select statement. Database Updateallows you to update the database using insert,updates, deletes or PLSql by binding the CSV columnvalues into your statement.## JOBS ##This tab allows you to view which jobs are currentlyrunning or have finished. Jobs that are running canalso be stopped.