!Chilkat Zip ActiveX Control - Version 9.3.0 Affordable, advanced Zip ActiveX Component with many features: Open a Zip on the Web.Openand read or unzip the contents of a Zip file from a URL. Standard WinZip Password-ProtectionisSupported. Create or open/decrypt password-protected Zips. OpenFromMemory Allowsyouto open a Zip that is stored in your program's memory. This was created to allowprogramsto access Zips loaded from sources such as a database (an Oracle BLOB forexample).Includes a robust set of events that allow you to closely monitor the progresswhilezipping and unzipping. Has the ability to abort any zip or unzip operationwhilein progress. AES Encryption Encrypt your data using up to 256-bit AES encryption.Alsosupports Blowfish and Twofish encryption algorithms. Embed ZIPs into EXEs EmbedZIPfiles directly into EXEs, and access them from your program. The ZIP is embeddedasa named resource, and any number of ZIPs can be embedded in a single EXE. CreateSelf-ExtractingEXEs Works with the Chilkat Zip 2 Secure EXE utility to access ZIPsembedded in EXEscreated by that utility. Unzip Newer Unzips files based on last-modificationtime.Set Exclusions Exclude files matching wildcarded filenames, such as "*.log".ExistingZip Component Features Create New ZIPs Create new ZIPs from existing files,memorydata, or other existing ZIPs. Delete Files in ZIPs Remove specific files withinaZIP. ZIP Entire Directories Recursively descend directories to ZIP everything.AddFiles to ZIPs Adds files to existing ZIPs. Merge ZIPs Merge any number of ZIPsintoone ZIP. Unzip Unzip and auto-create directories as needed. Unzip Matching Unziponlyfiles matching a wildcarded pattern. Access to Compressed Data Directly accessthedata in its compressed format. Memory Compression/Decompression Use ZIP compressionwithoutever writing files. Memory-to-ZIP Conversion and Back Allows direct accessto datawithin files in the ZIP.