2011 OST Recovery Software - Version 3.10.1 Do you want to recover OST files which get inaccessibledue to some reasons of crash in Exchange Server orsynchronization process gets interrupted. At thismoment, 2011 OST recovery software comes as a brilliantOST recovery solution employs fast and quick algorithmso that user can effectively scan OST files & convertsthem into a new & healthy PST file. OST PST recoverysoftware recover OST data & convert OST file to PSTfiles with entire conversion of emails, emailattachment, sent & received items, drafts, journals,attachments. Exchange OST recovery software recoversoversized 2 GB OST file. Outlook OST recovery has asimple and intuitive user interface that makes use ofcutting-edge technology to convert OST to PST. Exchangerecovery software works better with Outlook 2007, 2003,2002 and 2000. Software supported in Exchange 5.0, 5.5,2000, 2003, and 2007. OST PST recovery software iscompatible with Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP and2000. So, download & try demo version free of costwhich is available in online market. For savingrecovered emails you will need to buy full version ofthis software because saving option prohibited in demoversion. You can download the software at here:http://www.diskrecoverysoftware.net/ost-recovery