Add2Exchange Enterprise - Version 14 Add2Exchange Enterprise is a server-based solution which automatically synchronizes items between any combination of Exchange public and/or personal folders with changes possible in either direction for true collaboration. Use Add2Exchange Enterprise to synchronize your calendars, contacts, tasks, posts, & notes folders. Set up Add2Exchange to sync your Exchange Global Address List (GAL) to your users' personal contact folders and mobile devices. Add2Exchange is a versatile solution giving you control on how you want synchronization handled between folders for users. For mobility, you can set up a public to private sync for your smartphone & mobile devices users --iPhones, iPads, Androids, BlackBerry -- who need to view information from Exchange public folders. Use private to public relationships to put information in public folders or other users' mailboxes from any of their devices, including OWA. Create an aggregate group calendar or centralized shared contacts to make information available to others in your organization & to protect