AidAim CryptoPressStream - Version 2.00 CryptoPressStream is a streaming compression and e ncryption library. It provides transparent access to co mpressed or encrypted data stored in the stream obj ect. All stream objects are 100% compatible with TStr eam and have some advanced functionality such as pr ogress event, LoadFromStream, LoadFromFile, Sav eToStream, SaveToFile methods, Lock and Unlock meth ods for multi-thread usage. CryptoPressStream inclu des TCPSManager thread-safe component that provid es easy settings of compression and encryption p arameters, and contains a list of opened streams. Cry ptoPressSt re am contains TCPSManager visual component, Compo nent Reference, 7 demos, License Agreement in Lice nse.txt file, History Of Changes in History.txt file a nd general information in ReadMe.txt file. Key features : - Tr an sparent streami n g compression and encryption library with 100% TSt ream compatibility. - Forward and backward seeks to any position, partial rewriting of the strea m, read cache. - Support for large 64- bit streams (> 2 Gb). - Compression and encr yption component supporting buffers, strings, fil es. - Compression algorith ms ZLIB, BZIP and PPM. - Strong customizable encryption with binary key support (12 algorithms and 4 modes): Rijndael (AES) 128 and 256, Blowfish, Twofi sh 128 and 256, DES single, double and tripple, Square.- TCPSManager componen t for compression and encryption settings, list of ope ned stream, memory leaks prevention. - Native V CL, does not require any DLLs. - Many Demos, Compone nt Reference with Delphi and C++ prototypes. - Roy alty free. - Full source c ode available.