Astrology for Windows - Version 3 Software does planetary calculations in Tropical or Sidereal zodiac and seven house systems for 8,000 years. Includes Yellow Book Atlas with coordinates and time zone histories back to WW II for 250 countries and 9,000 cities. Future time zone changes can be automatically incorporated through a menu selection for Internet download. Without having a time changes atlas such as the Yellow Book Atlas provides, the astrologer can guess wrong what time zone a city observed in the past, including daylight saving, which will make a subject's astrology chart incorrect. There are interactive maps of the World, U.S., and Europe.Users can save calculated birth charts for review, change, or comparison with other charts. Users can easily look at their current transits or examine astrological compatibility between people's charts through the synastry aspects between them. The program includes the minor planet Chiron and the moon's true nodes. The program displays two types of graphic