Attendant Manager - Version 3.5 Attendant Manager provides quality assistance with allmajor aspects of attendant care for disabled people tohelp them sustain quality care from quality attendants. Register and download a program key for guaranteed useand installation on all your Windows platforms.The program helps attendants better understand andprepare for their work, improve their job performance,maintain a trouble free employment relationship, andenjoy higher job satisfaction. The program includesmanagers, editers, dialogs, and tutorials that assistwith creating job descriptions, job applications,interview forms, needs assessment worksheets, routinelists, custom training manuals, daily checklists andinstructions, daily scheduling, time span scheduling,monthly schedules, payroll with itemized earnings anddeductions, updateable Federal tax tables and amounts,check stubs, financial statements to help with taxforms, time sheets, evaluations, employee folders,emergency instructions, remote workstations, internalmessaging, and more. Attendants enjoy a Routine Checklist, easy access totraining manuals, daily instructions and checklists, aschedule manager for up to date scheduling information,routine checking, a time sheet, easy update of theircontact informatoin, a message box, training manuals, aconvenient place to store check stubs, time sheets, orother documents. Tutorials help those new to personal care get startedand others a quick reference to a myriad of questionsand advice. Tutorials cover how to start a personalcare service, develop a training plan, manageassistants, solve employment problems, and terminatingan assistant.