Automatic Wallpaper Changer - Version 2.3.5 The AWC is designed to do one thing well: allow you toautomatically change your desktop wallpaper on a timedbasis. The time between changes is defined as a numberof seconds, minutes or hours. The displayed image can be stretched or shrunk for thebest fit to the screen, optionally maintaining itsaspect ratio, or displayed at its actual size. Whendisplaying a picture the user is not limited to thecentre of the screen, as is usually the case inwindows, but can choose to display it in any of thefour corners of the screen or centred on one of theedges. Additionally you can specify that files smallerthan a predefined size should be tiled: again you canspecify how the tiles are justified on the screenrather than simply going from the top left. Resizing is performed using bilinear resampling for thebest possible reults. After resizing you can applyvarious levels of sharpening to further improve imagequality.You can further refine the list of files to display byfiltering on file date or age and by file name. Forexample all files whose name begins 'XMAS' which you'vecreated in the past 30 days.The AWC is minimised to the system tray rather than tothe task bar. To restore it to view just double-clickthe icon in the tray or right click to pop up a menu.There's even a full set of command line switches so youcan customise multiple shortcuts.Image formats supported are*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.bmp;*.png;*.rle;*.tga;*.pcx.