BKF File Repair - Version 6.0 If you are thinking to restore XP BKF file in Windows 7then we are providing a BKF file repair tool throughwhich users can repair corrupt MS backup files andrestore all XP BKF files in Windows 7. MS backup filerepair tool has capability to perform BKF file recoveryand extract all critical BKF files after corruptionissue happens. Our BKF file repair utility has uniquescanning modes: 1) Deep scan is the best option torecover corrupt MS backup file. 2) Quick Scan is thefastest way to quickly recover damaged Windows backup.bkf file. 3) Range Based Scan is an advance recoverytechnique to assist you to recover small portion datafrom heavy Windows backup database. We offer a freedemo of BKF recovery tool; you can download it andcheck the performance of software. If you are satisfiedwith it, then purchase full version of BKF file repairsoftware and tools at the price of $89 for a personallicense and $180 for a business license.