Blood Presure Controller software - Version 1.1 Calculating your blood pressure is able to help you out and your family doctor can stop or manage your other disease problems. Blood pressure status or reading might be higher or lower in the doctor's office. So, the main use of blood pressure controller is to give you Average status of blood pressure. And because of that we suggest that the person who is more than 40 years has to take daily report of Blood pressure. Calculate your own pressure is not expensive or not difficult. It's a good thought to check status of blood pressure at different times of day. The Blood Pressure controller makes straightforward blood pressure control and data logging of heart rate. In addition to being suitable data logger Blood pressure controller software is also a important tool for blood pressure longitudinal movement analysis. This longitudinal analysis might be help you and also to your doctor to decide on the best medication or any other treatment.Some of the features of Blood Pressure Controller