CubeDesktop - Version 1.2 * Get more space for your applicationsCubeDesktop creates six virtual and independentdesktops, increasing the space you have to work andplay. Use our stunning 3D technology to quickly show,switch and move windows between desktops.* Impress everybodyImprove your Windows Vista experience. CubeDesktop isthe best Vista addon so far, adding to your desktopincredible 2D and 3D effects.Windows and desktops update in realtime, like WindowsVista new thumbnails, but in true 3D.Impress everybody that looks at your computer andchange the way you work with it!* Say goodbay to clutteringFortunately, CubeDesktop, being the most robustmultiple desktop software, solves the desktop clutterproblem once and for all. Each virtual desktop is adistinct working environment. The taskbar shows onlythe applications opened on the current desktop, greatlyreducing the clutter.* Maximize your productivityCubeDesktop helps users to maximize productivity thoughthe advanced application and desktop management,providing increased efficiency even on a single monitorby enabling multiple desktops. It enables users toquickly access any virtual desktop or window, fasttransfer of windows between virtual desktops as well asthe total control over applications, thus creating theideal working enviroment.* Switch between tasks and windows faster than ever beforeSwitch between tasks using our Window Exposertechnology. With a single keypress or mouse move,Window Exposer instantly tiles all of your openwindows, scales them down and neatly arranges them, soyou can see what's in every single one. Bring to yourWindows Vista desktop the most impressive Mac OS XExposé-like experience.* Unmatched benefits, easy setupCubeDesktop is highly configurable. Change keyboardsettings, mouse movements, visual effects, colors andmore, much more. But don't be afraid. Using CubeDesktopControl Panel is as easy as changing the wallpaper.