Desk & Archive - Version 1.0beta2 People usually store on Windows desktop theirunfinished documents mixed with frequently useddocuments and shortcuts to programs and folders. Thismakes desktop suboptimal in all of those functions.Desk & Archive offers Desk as a way to create and trackyour unfinished documents, Launch bar for shortcuts toprograms, pinned folders to Sidebar instead of shortcutto folders, and templates and bookmarks as tools forfrequently used documents.Desk & Archive includes many other powerful features:tabs to clean clutter from your taskbar, automaticopening and closing of tabs which takes these tasksaway from you and increases availability of locationsyou might need, preview of items on item tile withactive preview of folders which allows opening of itsitems directly from preview, smart sorting whichchooses best sort type based on content, ad-hoc itemslists which allow easy opening of several folders atonce and looking through those folders to see all itemsin all subfolders, unobtrusive and problem solvingnotifications, easy multiple selection with checkboxes,improved interaction with both keyboard and mouse, andmany more hidden gems.