Deskcalc - Version 2.15 Deskcalc is a fully featured adding machine with the functionsyou expect from a mechanical adding machine plus capabilities associatedwith a Windows environment.Features include a check-strip with comfortable text input per position,correction possibilities (rectifying, adding and deleting values),built-in formula interpreter, sales tax functions, cache (memory function),percentage calculation, EURO-conversion, floating point- and fixedpoint-calculation, subdivision into thousands, fast correction key,display of the results in task strip and window title line, printing withheading and date/time, Excel-export.Memory arithmetic with any tape value and the running subtotal ,Printing tapes on any available printer and to text files ,Portingtapes to any clipboard compatible application ,One key sales tax closeoutwith user set percentage , Automatic decimal point insertion ,Tape navigationkeys , User Guide to which the user can easily add topics, Optional tooltipswith help just by positioning the mouse cursor