English2metric - Version 1.0 English2metric is a unit converter designed especiallyfor non-technical users. The program can convertbetween any pair of units used in everyday life. Suchfeatures as special design, auto complete and theability to choose visible units make the speed of allconversions lightning fast. In most cases, you need totype just the first letter of the unit. Whether you area tourist, an immigrant, a chef, or anybody else, youwill find English2metric very useful.Key features of the program: 1. Autocomplete. You will no longer need to pourover lengthy lists of items trying to find what youwant and spoiling your eyesight. When usingEnglish2metric, in most cases you need just to type thefirst letter of the unit. 2. Visible Log. Have you ever made a mistake in yourcalculations? Have you ever had the desire to see allyour previous calculations? In English2metric you cando it right on the program screen. 3. Visible Units. If you never work with Barrels,why should you see them each time you open a conversionprogram? In English2metric, you can filter out only theunits you don't need. 4. Unique Design. In English2metric, all categoriesare accessible without a single mouse-click. 5. Click anywhere to clear data. When you want toerase everything that you have typed, what do you do?Some applications have a �Clear� button, some do not.In English2metric, you just need to click anywhere onthe form. 6. Animated Help. No more reading boring articlesabout how to do this, what does that mean, and so on.English2metric uses animated help, enabling you to seewhat you are looking for right on the screen. 7. Feet+Inches. If you are converting from meters tofeet, or centimeters to feet, do you want to see theresult in feet only? Or would rather see the result infeet+inches format? English2metric enables you to seeboth feet and inches. 8. Processing of Fractions. Let�s assume that youare reading a recipe. It says, �Add 1 1/3 cups of s