Export Outlook Messages to MBOX format - Version 2.0 Are you also one of the user who are struggling toexport Outlook messages to MBOX format? So don�t losehope we have developed an amazing utility that easilyexport Outlook messages to MBOX format without anyhiccup conversion process and save each and everydetails while import MSG to MBOX. MSG to MBOXConversion tool is helpful for all users who want to dobulk export Outlook messages into MBOX form. Softwareis support on all Windows version like Win 2007/XP/2000and Win 8 too that supports on 32 bit and 62 bit.Software is available in demo version that also exportOutlook messages to MBOX format in first class stylebut it only convert Outlook MSG to MBOX in 10 messagesinto MBOX. So if you want to export Outlook messages toMBOX format in unlimetd manner than user must have togo with full verison of MSG to MBOX Converter and canimport MSG to MBOX as number of possible of MSG filesinto MBOX form.