Household Accounting for Excel - Version Pro 7.0 All your household accounts at a glance - it has neverbeen as easy as this to keep track.You will find that you learn your way around theprogram very quickly and easily. Wherever you are, younever lose track.The program allows you to enter and manage both fixedcosts and variable costs.You enter your expenses in tables. Simple statisticalevaluations and diagrams show you where you spend yourmoney. There are various predefined cost areas and youcan customize the program to your own needs.The comprehensive vehicle section allows for up to 4vehicles and includes all the functions you wouldexpect from a good vehicle administration program, e.g.due date reminders for oil change and inspections. Youcan enter invoices into a table; when they become duefor payment the program will remind you.You can enter the items from your bank statement sothat you have easy access to all transactions. Incomeand outgoings can be compared easily.Have you ever wanted to investigate your purchasinghabits more thoroughly, to see how much money you spendin which shops or see just how much of various kinds ofdrinks are consumed in the household? HouseholdAccounting for Excel provides all this information ineasily understandable tables and diagrams.It provides an overall view which shows the generaldistribution of your outgoings.When you have used Household Accounting for Excel forsome time, you will get a picture of the main areas inwhich you spend the most money.The program is designed specially to be easy to operateand easy to understand. For instance, I havedeliberately avoided including dozens of minor costtypes - only the main cost categories are included inthe statistical analyses, giving you the informationyou can really use at a glance. Of course, you canenter all expenses, but those items which onlyrepresent a small percentage of your total costs areput into a single category.