HsTCPIPv4 - Embedded TCP IP Protocol Stack - Version 1.0 HsTCPIPv4 - Embedded TCP IP Protocol Stack.HsTCPIPv4 is a suite of cross platform ANSI C source code libraries which fully implement TCP IP protocol. HsTCPIPv4 as a whole or any of its included components can be used in an embedded system or on PC. HsTCPIPv4 is supplied with full ANSI C source code and binaries. HsTCPIPv4 has been tested on both Little-endian (Intel x86) and Big-endian (Freescale / Motorola PowerQUICC) memory architectures.HsTCPIPv4 includes C source code for ARP, IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP, DHCP / BOOTP, DNS, TFTP, FTP, NTP / SNTP, POP3, SMTP.The use of HsTCPIPv4 source code is royalty free HsTCPIPv4 is designed in a modular way, you can use only the specific modules you need for your application.