Life Ahead Program - Version 2.10 Develops advanced forecast of likely healthy futurelife and how a usual 15 more years can be obtained bybetter diet, cardiofitness from exercise and otherlifestyle habits. Web site explains and verifiesprogram extensively. Develops new improved healthvalues of all foods and diets from 23 includednutrients. Shows best how to diet, control weight andimprove cardiofitness and reduce risk of heart disease10 times and cancer by 5 times. ENJOYMENT of future life will depend on part on howmany Well-Days or the future days alive and free ofmajor diseases you will live. LIFE AHEAD computes alikely future years of Well-Days from present healthhabits. It then shows how many more likely Well-Dayscan be achieved by making acceptable changes in diet,exercise, and other habits. LIFE AHEAD then shows theCHANGES in diet, exercise, and health habits needed forgain. How much each of these changes contribute tofuture health, and which are most important. Diets andexercise needed often differ much from past advice. Example: The right kind and amount of diet supplementscan be of enormous importance to future health andlife. The program can show for a first time from a most extensive yet analysis how any kind or amount ofexercise program done regularly can add to bothcrucially important cardiofitness and how this expandsfuture Well-Days of life.LIFE AHEAD's computer program shows how best to REDUCEWEIGHT by exercise and by most conveniently modifyingyour present diet rather than by trying some new dietyou never will cling to permanently. The new weightloss indicator values the newly recognized effect ofcarbohydrates on weight and forecasts how much any dietprogram should reduce weight for any user. Life Aheadcan help you keep weight off permamently. Today 80% ofoday's dieters end up gaining their weight back.